

Pakistan has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in South Asia. Although rural-to-urban migration is high, the Majority of Births (70%) still take place at home in the lowest quintile.

Mother and child health is a serious issue which is widespread in rural areas than that in cities. Due to lack of proper food, awareness and treatment, women in rural areas suffer during their pregnancy resulting in poor health of their babies. In many cases, babies are born dead or they suffer from minor to major birth defects. Maternal and child health is one of the serious health issues in Pakistan which needs immediate action.

Pakistan has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in South Asia. Although rural-to-urban migration is high, the Majority of Births (70%) still take place at home in the lowest quin-tile.

53 cases of polio are documented in Pakistan in 2020
Pakistan is one of the two remaining countries in the world where poliomyelitis (polio) is still categorized as an endemic viral infection. As of 30 June 2020, there have been 53 Documented Cases in Pakistan in 2020, and 146 Documented Cases in Pakistan in 2019. The total count of wild polio virus cases in Pakistan in 2018 was 12.
Though the polio immunization campaign in the country started in 1974, the efforts for eradication officially started in 1994. The infection remains endemic despite over 100 Rounds of Vaccination being carried out in the past decade. Pakistan had the world’s highest number of polio cases in 2014.

1 doctor on 1800 patients
There is one doctor on 1800 Patients and lack of beds.
Most of the public sector hospitals are outdated, understaffed, with obsolete equipment.  It is horrible that two and more than two patients with different diseases sleep together on a single bed. There is no doubt that bacterial contamination is rampant and prevalent. The doctors cannot give any proper attention and treatment to the bulk of patients. Hospitals are overcrowded; therefore, it has become very difficult to facilitate the patients appropriately.